
How Do You Future-Proof Your Decisions?

In a world of uncertainty, how can you develop a strategy that stands the test of time? How do you make decisions that balance short-term needs with long-term goals?  How do you future-proof your decisions?

The answer lies in building your foresight muscles — a transformative way of thinking that helps you imagine possible futures, identify the ones you prefer, and create a path to get there. It’s about unlocking opportunities, expanding choices, and making better decisions today for a more resilient tomorrow.

At LASA, we specialise in helping leaders and organisations develop these foresight skills.

Meet Patricia Lustig

With over three decades of organisational change and foresight experience, LASA CEO Patricia Lustig has worked with leaders worldwide to anticipate change and shape the future. An internationally respected consultant, author, and practitioner in strategic foresight, Patricia brings unparalleled expertise in futures thinking, strategy development, and innovation.

Her portfolio includes collaborations with the UK Government Office for Science, the European Commission, and the Construction Industry Training Board. Patricia has been featured by Harvard Business Review, invited to the inaugural Dubai Futures Forum, and is a thought leader in futures strategy, regularly publishing insights and co-authoring groundbreaking works such as the award winning Strategic Foresight: Learning from the Future and her most recent book, co-authored with Gill Ringland, The Possibility Wheel: Making Better Choices in a Fractured World.

Why Foresight Matters

Our planet needs bold, forward-thinking decisions. By understanding the challenges and opportunities ahead, organisations and governments can expand their choices, take advantage of opportunities and craft strategies that ensure a better future for all.

Find out more: listen to the FuturePod podcast #57: A Very Practical Futurist: Patricia Lustig.

Curious about how foresight can transform your decisions?

Contact us at: info@lasa-insight.com